Keyword: u.s. gov't

2015 (1)
Bayesian kernel machine regression for estimating the health effects of multi-pollutant mixtures. Bobb, J. F., Valeri, L., Claus Henn, B., Christiani, D. C., Wright, R. O., Mazumdar, M., Godleski, J. J., & Coull, B. A. Biostatistics (Oxford, England), 16(3):493–508, September, 2015. Publisher: Biostatistics
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2012 (2)
Body cues, not facial expressions, discriminate between intense positive and negative emotions. Aviezer, H., Trope, Y., & Todorov, A. Science, 338(6111):1225–1229, 2012. Place: United States ISBN: 1095-9203
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A continuous semantic space describes the representation of thousands of object and action categories across the human brain. Huth, A. G, Nishimoto, S., Vu, A. T, & Gallant, J. L Neuron, 76(6):1210–1224, 2012. Place: United States ISBN: 1097-4199
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2011 (1)
Complementary neural representations for faces and words: a computational exploration. Plaut, D. C & Behrmann, M. Cogn Neuropsychol, 28(3-4):251–275, 2011. Place: England ISBN: 1464-0627
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2010 (1)
Detecting network modules in fMRI time series: a weighted network analysis approach. Mumford, J. A, Horvath, S., Oldham, M. C, Langfelder, P., Geschwind, D. H, & Poldrack, R. A Neuroimage, 52(4):1465–1476, 2010. Place: United States ISBN: 1095-9572
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2009 (1)
Auditory recognition memory is inferior to visual recognition memory. Cohen, M. A, Horowitz, T. S, & Wolfe, J. M Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 106(14):6008–6010, 2009. Place: United States ISBN: 1091-6490
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2006 (1)
Amorphous linear aliphatic polyesters for the facile preparation of tunable rapidly degrading elastomeric devices and delivery vectors. Olson, D. A, Gratton, S. E A, DeSimone, J. M, & Sheares, V. V J Am Chem Soc, 128(41):13625–13633, 2006. Place: United States ISBN: 0002-7863
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2005 (4)
Experiments investigating cooperative types in humans: A complement to evolutionary theory and simulations. Kurzban, R. & Houser, D. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 102(5):1803-7, 2005.
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The persistence of object file representations. Noles, N. S, Scholl, B. J, & Mitroff, S. R Percept Psychophys, 67(2):324-34, 2005.
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A helminth glycan induces APC maturation via alternative NF-kappa B activation independent of I kappa B alpha degradation. Thomas, P. G, Carter, M. R, Da'dara, A. A, DeSimone, T. M, & Harn, D. A J Immunol, 175(4):2082–2090, 2005. Place: United States ISBN: 0022-1767
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A comparison of linkage disequilibrium patterns and estimated population recombination rates across multiple populations. Evans, D., M. & Cardon, L., R. Am J Hum Genet, 76(4):681-687, 2005.
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2004 (15)
Visual object understanding. Palmeri, T J & Gauthier, I Nat Rev Neurosci, 5(4):291–303, 2004.
Modelling the recent common ancestry of all living humans. Rohde, D., L., Olson, S., & Chang, J., T. Nature, 431(7008):562-566, 2004.
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Animal behaviour: Coalition among male fiddler crabs. Backwell, P. R Y & Jennions, M. D Nature, 430(6998):417, 2004.
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Basolateral Na+-H+ exchanger-1 in rat taste receptor cells is involved in neural adaptation to acidic stimuli. Lyall, V., Alam, R. I, Malik, S. A, Phan, T. T, Vinnikova, A. K, Heck, G. L, & DeSimone, J. A J Physiol, 556(Pt 1):159–173, 2004. Place: England ISBN: 0022-3751
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A paradox in the evolution of primate vocal learning. Egnor, S. E R. & Hauser, M. D Trends Neurosci, 27(11):649-54, 2004.
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Associative learning shapes the neural code for stimulus magnitude in primary auditory cortex. Polley, D. B, Heiser, M. A, Blake, D. T, Schreiner, C. E, & Merzenich, M. M Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 101(46):16351-6, 2004.
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Psychological essentialism in children. Gelman, S. A Trends Cogn Sci, 8(9):404-9, 2004.
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Synaptic computation. Abbott, L. & Regehr, W. G Nature, 431(7010):796-803, 2004.
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Seeing the disappearance of unseen objects. Mitroff, S. R & Scholl, B. J Perception, 33(10):1267-73, 2004.
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Parietal cortex and attention. Behrmann, M, Geng, J J, & Shomstein, S Curr Opin Neurobiol, 14(2):212–217, 2004.
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Toward an evolutionary perspective on conceptual representation: Species-specific calls activate visual and affective processing systems in the macaque. Gil-da-Costa, R., Braun, A., Lopes, M., Hauser, M. D, Carson, R. E, Herscovitch, P., & Martin, A. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 101(50):17516-21, 2004.
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A rodent model for investigating the neurobiology of contralateral neglect. Reep, R., Corwin, J., Cheatwood, J., Van Vleet, T., Heilman, K., & Watson, R. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, 17(4):191–194, 2004.
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2003 (8)
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Functional brain imaging using a blood oxygenation sensitive steady state. Miller, K. L, Hargreaves, B. A, Lee, J., Ress, D., deCharms , R C., & Pauly, J. M Magn Reson Med, 50(4):675–683, 2003. Place: United States ISBN: 0740-3194
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Activity-dependent presynaptic facilitation and hebbian LTP are both required and interact during classical conditioning in Aplysia. Antonov, I., Antonova, I., Kandel, E. R, & Hawkins, R. D Neuron, 37(1):135-47, 2003.
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Form-from-motion: MEG evidence for time course and processing sequence. Schoenfeld, M A, Woldorff, M, Düzel, E, Scheich, H, Heinze, H., & Mangun, G R J Cogn Neurosci, 15(2):157–172, 2003. Place: United States ISBN: 0898-929X
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Signalers and receivers in animal communication. Seyfarth, R. M & Cheney, D. L Annu Rev Psychol, 54:145-73, 2003.
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Stereopsis activates V3A and caudal intraparietal areas in macaques and humans. Tsao, D. Y, Vanduffel, W., Sasaki, Y., Fize, D., Knutsen, T. A, Mandeville, J. B, Wald, L. L, Dale, A. M, Rosen, B. R, Van Essen, D. C, Livingstone, M. S, Orban, G. A, & Tootell, R. B H Neuron, 39(3):555–568, 2003. Place: United States ISBN: 0896-6273
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Neuroimaging studies of attention: from modulation of sensory processing to top-down control. Pessoa, L., Kastner, S., & Ungerleider, L. J Neurosci, 23(10):3990–8, 2003.
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2002 (13)
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Building an Asynchronous Web-Based Tool for Machine Learning Classification. Weber, G., Vinterbo, S., & Ohno-Machado, L. JAMIA, Suppl. S:869–73, 2002.
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Linkage disequilibrium and the mapping of complex human traits. Weiss, K., M. & Clark, A., G. Trends Genet, 18(1):19-24, 2002.
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Comparing Imperfect Measurements with the Bland-Altman Technique: Application in Gene Expression Analysis. Ohno-Machado, L., Vinterbo, S., Dreiseitl, S., Jenssen, T., & Kuo, W. JAMIA, Suppl. S:572–6, 2002.
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Modulation of rat chorda tympani NaCl responses and intracellular Na+ activity in polarized taste receptor cells by pH. Lyall, V., Alam, R. I, Phan, T. T, Russell, O. F, Malik, S. A, Heck, G. L, & DeSimone, J. A J Gen Physiol, 120(6):793–815, 2002. Place: United States ISBN: 0022-1295
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Attending to the thalamus: inhibition of return and nasal-temporal asymmetry in the pulvinar. Sapir, A., Rafal, R., & Henik, A. Neuroreport, 13(5):693–7, 2002.
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The past and future of the past tense. Pinker, S. & Ullman, M. T Trends Cogn Sci, 6(11):456-463, 2002.
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Excitation and adaptation in the detection of hydrogen ions by taste receptor cells: a role for cAMP and Ca(2+). Lyall, V., Alam, R. I, Phan, T. T, Phan, D. Q, Heck, G. L, & DeSimone, J. A J Neurophysiol, 87(1):399–408, 2002. Place: United States ISBN: 0022-3077
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Visual categorization and the primate prefrontal cortex: Neurophysiology and behavior. Freedman, D. J, Riesenhuber, M., Poggio, T., & Miller, E. K J Neurophysiol, 88(2):929-41, 2002.
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2001 (8)
The eye movements of pure alexic patients during reading and nonreading tasks. Behrmann, M, Shomstein, S S, Black, S E, & Barton, J J Neuropsychologia, 39(9):983–1002, 2001.
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Activation of the auditory pre-attentive change detection system by tone repetitions with fast stimulation rate. Wolff, C & Schröger, E Brain Res Cogn Brain Res, 10(3):323-7, 2001.
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After BRCA1 and BRCA2-what next? Multifactorial segregation analyses of three-generation, population-based Australian families affected by female breast cancer. Cui, J., Antoniou, A., C., Dite, G., S., Southey, M., C., Venter, D., J., Easton, D., F., Giles, G., G., McCredie, M., R., & Hopper, J., L. Am J Hum Genet, 68(2):420-31., 2001.
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Emotion recognition from faces and prosody following temporal lobectomy. Adolphs, R, Tranel, D, & Damasio, H Neuropsychology, 15(3):396–404, 2001.
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Unsupervised statistical learning of higher-order spatial structures from visual scenes. Fiser, J & Aslin, R. N Psychol Sci, 12(6):499-504, 2001.
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Objects and attention: The state of the art. Scholl, B. J. Cognition, 80(1-2):1-46, 2001.
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Understanding human disease mutations through the use of interspecific genetic variation. Miller, M., P. & Kumar, S. Hum Mol Genet, 10(21):2319-2328, 2001.
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2000 (9)
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An fMRI study of the selective activation of human extrastriate form vision areas by radial and concentric gratings. Wilkinson, F, James, T W, Wilson, H R, Gati, J S, Menon, R S, & Goodale, M A Curr Biol, 10(22):1455–1458, 2000.
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Development of rat chorda tympani sodium responses: evidence for age-dependent changes in global amiloride-sensitive Na(+) channel kinetics. Hendricks, S J, Stewart, R E, Heck, G L, DeSimone, J A, & Hill, D L J Neurophysiol, 84(3):1531–1544, 2000. Place: UNITED STATES ISBN: 0022-3077
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Founder BRCA1 mutations and two novel germline BRCA2 mutations in breast and/or ovarian cancer families from North-Eastern Poland. van Der Looij, M., Wysocka, B., Brozek, I., Jassem, J., Limon, J., & Olah, E. Hum Mutat, 15(5):480-1., 2000.
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Characterization of natural illuminants in forests and the use of digital video data to reconstruct illuminant spectra. Chiao, C C, Osorio, D, Vorobyev, M, & Cronin, T W J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis, 17(10):1713–1721, 2000.
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